Removing unwanted hair can be tricky, time consuming, and uncomfortable; and the most common (shaving, depilatory or waxing) are temporarily effective. Shaved hair grows back quickly and often becomes thicker when it reappears.
Waxing will remove unwanted hair for up to two months; but it can be very painful because it pulls the hair out by the roots. Waxing requires you to apply a layer of hot wax to the area you want to remove hair from, then place a specially treated cloth or strip on the surface of the wax, and then quickly pull the cloth or peel it off on the opposite direction of the one whose hair grows like a babd-id scam.
Depilatory creams or lotions dissolve unwanted hair when you apply it to your skin and leave it in for a while. But they generally have a foul odor and chemicals that can damage your skin if you leave them on for too long. You should try several depilatories before the full treatment to see if you have an allergic reaction.
Laser hair removal at home
Professional hair removal clinics offer more expensive options, including laser hair removal or electrolysis. And many people choose to have their waxes done in the privacy of their own home. To meet your needs, home laser hair removal equipment is now available. How safe and effective is a home laser hair removal? Is It Right For You?
Home laser hair removal is done with a smaller version of the portable lasers used in hair removal clinics. These portable devices send pulses of laser energy to the unwanted hair follicles and stop their growth. The small size of the home laser limits its targeting by a laser pulse to a single hair follicle, making the procedure time-consuming.
The effectiveness of laser hair removal at home depends on whether the user knows how to correctly adjust the pulse level of the laser; there have been cases of scarring when the home laser user continued to reapply the laser to the same part of the skin. The likelihood of scars has led many people to question the validity of claims about the efficacy of laser removal at home.
One of those claims guarantees that a particular handheld laser will deliver 100% at-home laser hair removal performance for all hair colors. But this claim does not hold up. Why?
Laser hair removal is designed to attack the dark pigment in the hair, and the darker the hair, the more laser energy it absorbs. For those with white, light blonde, gray or red hair, there is simply not enough pigment for home laser hair removal to work effectively.