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How Does Sperm Donation Work?

At some point in our lives, having a child will become our biggest desire. Reproducing is one of the most basic of human needs, and whilst for some this is simply a decision of when in our lives to take this step; for others it is a goal which can evade and elude us.

There are millions of people all over the world who, for whatever reason, can’t have children. Whether it’s because of fertility problems, illness or being part of a same sex couple; not being able to have a child when you so desperately want one can be torture.

Becoming a sperm donor can change the lives of those who are at their most desperate, giving them a chance to have the family that they crave. Over 75,000 children are born as a result of donor insemination (DI) in the United States very year, proving how important sperm donation is. By deciding to donate your sperm to a sperm bank near me, you will be giving providing the chance for a family to be created – a truly generous and selfless act.

Where do I go to donate sperm?

Believe it or not, there is a sperm bank in virtually every state in America, sometimes more than one. No matter where in America you live, there will be a sperm bank within travelling distance. A quick Internet search should point you in the right direction with companies having offices all over the country for you to visit to donate sperm to those looking to have children via DI.

There is also an at-home option provided that operates nationwide, providing a convenient home collection kit. This is ideal for those who cannot get to their local sperm bank easily but still want to change the lives of others.

How does it all work?

Donating sperm is not as simply as just dropping off a specimen. Most sperm banks will require you to fill in a questionnaire about yourself and also provide a thorough family history and this can often go back as four generations. Your sperm specimen will also be tested in a lab to ensure that there is an above average sperm count and viable sperm. You may also be expected to give blood and urine samples and you will be given a comprehensive physical examination. Once accepted as a sperm donor you may be asked to have a physical examination every couple of years and also have your medical history and sperm re-evaluated too.

Will I be anonymous?

When you donate sperm you will be asked at the time of donation whether or not you wish to remain anonymous. You can decide to have your personal details kept private from those who use your donation or you can choose to allow your details to be shared once the child turns 18, should they wish to find you. This is a completely personal choice and totally down to you but be assured that you will have parental responsibility for any child born using your sperm, whether you opt to share your personal details or not.

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