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Why First Aid Kits Are Required

When an accident occurs, at home, out-and-about or on holiday, a well-stocked first aid kit is vital to helping your loved ones deal with every bump, graze or cut. You can purchase an approved first aid kit online, allowing you to pick the appropriate components for you and your family. An ideal first aid kit is spacious, durable, easy to carry and simple to open in difficult situations. Ensure you opt for a first aid kit made from plastic because they’re lightweight, have handles and offer a lot of space for the necessary supplies to be stored safely.

You may require more than one first aid kit depending on your lifestyle. If necessary, a large kit kept stored at home, a small kit carried for short distances and general day-to-day use and a kit kept stored in the car when travelling should combat most issues. However, it is important to remember that in adverse weather conditions, some of the equipment could become ineffective, so check the contents regularly for any noticeable issues.

The majority of first aid kits purchased online will include a number of vital elements that will help you deal with most situations with precision and clarity, but where possible, for health and safety purposes and to combat any unexpected issues, try to purchase a kit that includes the following:

●     First aid emergency booklet

●     HSE-approved small dressing

●     HSE-approved medium dressing

●     HSE-approved large dressing

●     Finger dressing

●     Painkillers

●     Antiseptic cream

●     Safety pins

●     Eye pad

●     Waterproof plasters

●     Sterile cleansing wipes

●     Microporous tape

●     Gloves

●     Burn dressing

●     Tuff-Kut scissors

●     Tweezers

●     Small torch

●     Thermometer

●     Adhesive tape

It is also advised to keep numerous emergency phone numbers, including contact information for your family doctor and local emergency services within the kit in the event that further medical assistance is required.

Remember, this can act as your basic first aid kit, if you feel you may need additional items or if you are travelling to locations that require specific equipment, you can add to your kit by purchasing additional items online and in-store.

It is important to check your first aid kit regularly to be sure that any batteries work and to replace supplies that have expired. Although there is no specified review timetable, many items, particularly painkillers and sterile items, are clearly marked with expiry dates on their packaging. They should be replaced by the specified dates and any expired items disposed of safely. If in doubt, it would be advisable to check with the manufacturers to find out how your items can be stored in the kit. For items without dates, it is a matter of judgement, based on whether they are fit for purpose at the time of the incident. Ideally, your first aid kit should be locked and kept in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children to ensure all elements are working as intended.

Author biography

Sam Mooney is a freelance writer who regularly contributes to a number of websites including St. John Supplies and other health and medical websites.

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